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  American Club Brussels
An International club with an American heart

Amsterdam Stories USA

  • 09 Oct 2012
  • 6:30 PM
  • Studio l'Equipe, 1140 Evere


Registration is closed

Private Film Preview
Amsterdam Stories USA

Everyone is invited to attend a private preview of Part One of Amsterdam Stories USA, an unusual and engaging portrait of America seen through the eyes of two European filmmakers. Rob Rombout and Rogier van Eck of Saga Film (Brussels) have made a documentary / road movie about the 16 cities and towns in the United States named Amsterdam.

The Amsterdams in the U.S.A. stretch from New Jersey to California. The directors shot footage in Amsterdams as large as New York City (originally Nieuw Amsterdam) and others as small as Amsterdam, Ohio (population 530). Each American Amsterdam has a unique story to tell, and Rob and Rogier are masters at ferreting these stories out. To do this, they met with the towns’ mayors, teachers, sheriffs, pastors, waitresses, actors, musicians, farmers, and radio presenters. They interviewed and filmed poets, publishers, B&B hosts, painters, descendants of early Dutch settlers, the son of a priest, inventors, salesmen, hunters, administrative workers, and taxidermists.

The result is a cliché-free and thoughtful chronicle of the crew’s 21-week odyssey across the continental U.S. with the spotlight on 16 towns that have nothing in common except their name. Don’t miss this screening; it’s a totally different and delightful way of seeing America. Amsterdam Stories USA will formally open at the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam in November, and will be broadcast on American TV in the New Year.


Amsterdam Stories USA will be shown on a large projection screen in a comfortable movie theater at Studio l’Equipe, one of Belgium’s most important post-production filmmaking facilities. Part One lasts 90 minutes and will be followed by a few excerpts from the other three parts. Afterwards, there will be the chance to mingle with the directors over a glass of wine and snacks.

Event Details
Tuesday, October 9
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Film House, Studio l’Equipe, Avenue L. Mommaerts 6-8, 1140 Brussels (Evere). Bus # 21, stop Mommaerts. Easy parking
Price: €5 for ACB and AWCB members; €8 for non-members (includes one glass of wine and snacks)
Sign up: Reservations are due by noon on Friday, October 5 by email (, online at, or by telephone to the ACB Office Manager (02/219.58.08). Payment to ACB at BE55 4279 1958 8144 (BIC/SWIFT: KREDBEBB) will confirm your reservation. Be sure to mention “Amsterdam” in the communications section of the virement. Cancellations are possible until noon on Friday, October 5. Participants canceling after this time, as well as no-shows, are charged the full cost of the event.

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